CITES | Animal Health and Welfare | Biodiversity

Marking wild birds-animal welfare risks


Report no:

Published: 31.03.2024


VKM shall assess whether marking wild birds poses a risk to the birds' welfare.

The project is an update of a VKM risk assessment from 2013, conducted for the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The new assessment is a joint assignment from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Environment Agency.

The commission

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Environment Agency want up-to-date knowledge about how birds are affected by their capture, handling and marking.

VKM should find and describe new knowledge about methods presented in the 2013 report, and any possible changes to the methods that can reduce the risks to birds.

VKM will also describe methods not mentioned in the report from 2013.

If possible, VKM should assess both the direct risk that the methods pose to the birds, and risks in a life-cycle perspective.

In addition, VKM has been asked to describe risk-reducing measures.

Project group

The project group consists of:

  • Katrine Eldegard, the Panel for CITES
  • Brett Sandercock, the Panel for Biological Diversity
  • Bjørnar Ytrehus, the Panel for Animal Health and Animal Welfare
  • Børge Moe, external expert, NINA
  • Marianne Furnes, external expert, NINA
  • Geir Andreas Sonerud, external expert, NMBU
  • Danica Grahek-Ogden, VKM Secretariat (Project Manager)

The assessment spans subject areas for three of VKM's panels and will be approved by a separate approval group. Publication is planned for the end of March 2024.


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The Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

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