Helen Engelstad Kvalem
Project manager, PhD
Secretariat, Contaminants
Helen is a clinical nutritionist with a PhD in food and environmental toxins, and works on various projects in the Panel on Contaminants. She is concerned with safe and healthy food, recognizing that food is both a key to good health and a source of both contaminants and nutrients.
Seniorrådgiver (prosjektleder)
2006 - 2010: Phd, doktorgrad i ernæringstoksikologi - mat og miljøgifter. Universitetet i Oslo/Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt
2006 - 2010: Phd-kursene; Research methodology in medicine, Regulatorisk toksikologi, Advanced Methods of Epidemiologic Research, Praktisk kurs i klinisk, epidemiologisk og samfunnsmedisinsk forskning, Videregående kurs i epidemiologiske metoder, samt universitetspedagogikk.
1999 - 2005: MSc, Autorisert klinisk ernæringsfysiolog, Universitetet i Oslo
2020 - 2022: leder, avd. for ernæring, Oslo Metropolitan University - storbyuniversitetet
2019 - 2020: seniorrådgiver Forskningsrådet, Avd. helseforskning og helseinnovasjon
2018 - 2019: forsker. Folkehelseinstituttet, Miljøgifteksponering og -epidemiologi
2014 - 2018:. komitémedlem i faggruppe for forurensninger, naturlige toksiner og medisinrester, VKM - Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø
2014 - 2018: kjøkkenleder og frivilligkoordinator, Team Norway i Singapore
2010 - 2018: førsteamanuensis. Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt/Bjørknes Høyskole
Utvalgte publikasjoner
Kvalem HE, Nygaard UC, Lødrup Carlsen KC, Carlsen K H, Haug LS, Granum B. Perfluoroalkyl substances, airways infections, allergy and asthma related health outcomes - implications of gender, exposure period and study design. Environ Int. 2020 Jan;134:105259.
Caspersen IH, Haugen M, Schjølberg S, Vejrup K, Knutsen HK, Brantsæter AL, Meltzer HM, Alexander J, Magnus P, Kvalem HE. Maternal dietary exposure to dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is associated with language delay in 3year old Norwegian children. Environ Int. 2016 May;91:180-7
Caspersen IH, Kvalem HE, Haugen M, Brantsæter AL, Meltzer HM, Alexander J, Thomsen C, Frøshaug M, Bremnes NM, Broadwell SL, Granum B, Kogevinas M, Knutsen HK. Determinants of plasma PCB, brominated flame retardants, and organochlorine pesticides in pregnant women and 3 year old children in The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. Environ Res. 2016 Apr;146:136-44.
Caspersen IH, Knutsen HK, Brantsæter AL, Haugen M, Alexander J, Meltzer HM, Kvalem HE. Dietary exposure to dioxins and PCBs in a large cohort of pregnant women: results from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Environ Int. 2013 Sep;59:398-407.
Kvalem HE, Brantsæter AL, Meltzer HM, Stigum H, Thomsen C, Haugen M, Alexander J, Knutsen HK. Development and validation of prediction models for blood concentrations of dioxins and PCBs using dietary intakes. Environ Int. 2012 Dec 1;50:15-21.
Kvalem HE, Knutsen HK, Thomsen C, Haugen M, Stigum H, Brantsaeter AL, Frøshaug M, Lohmann N, Päpke O, Becher G, Alexander J, Meltzer HM. Role of dietary patterns for dioxin and PCB exposure. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2009 Nov;53 (11):1438-51.